The Glasses I didn't know I needed!

25 August 2023

I wear my varifocals all day, everyday. I'm lucky that I get to wear what I would describe as some of the best varifocal lenses in the world right now. I have no problems with them. They work for everything I need to do, or so I thought.

Everyday I have conversations with clients about what they need help with ie what specific things/tasks do they need glasses for and what I can I do find the best solution for their visual needs. Very often my recommendation will be for computer lenses also known as office lenses or sometimes occupational lenses. I have been known to get a little annoyed when people have been told that if they have varifocals they will be able to do everything with that one pair of glasses. Unfortunately this isn't completely true. Some clients will not be able to do everything with that one pair of varifocals, especially when it comes to working on computer screens. I get that little bit annoyed because the client feel like it's their fault they couldn't do everything, or that they can't use them properly when in fact it's very common to need other glasses that are better suited to the tasks they are doing. (Just to clarify I get annoyed at whoever has told them this not the client!). 

I'm a big advocate of second pairs (and sometimes 3rd and 4th pairs of glasses) if they are right for the client and their needs.

This brings us back to my glasses. I decided to try some new office lenses form OptiSwiss after being very impressed by their varifocals. And, WOW!

I really didn't know I needed them but they make life so much easier on the computer and laptop - which of course is exactly what they are designed for. Like I said I wasn't having any problems but these new lenses give me such clarity at the desk when that's all I'm focussing on, they just make it so comfortable for working.

So now I have my second task specific pair living in my work bag beside my laptop, I'm wearing them now as I type this.

So if you wear varifocals, even if you think they are working well for everything, be open to the idea of some office lenses because they are brilliant!

If you want to know what I'm wearing they are OptiSwiss Nearis S-Fusion lenses and I can't recommend them enough.



Village Optician